Cinderella Panto

28th - 29th November 2014

Cinderella Panto 

Saturday Matinee 14.30

Evening 20.00

Photos of past productions

1984 Babes in the Wood
Who Killed the Vicar
1986 Cabbage Patch Corner
2006 Dick Whittington Rehearsals
.... and the Fairy Godmother puts everything right
1979 Oliver
1969 House by the Lake
1990 Willie Wonka
1983 Sleeping Beauty
2005 Finding Cinders
Jan - refreshments
Who Killed the Vicar- Rehearsal
Panto 2015 1114.jpg
Franky Panky Reheasal Is this
1969 House by the Lake
1971 Aladdin
Who Killed the Vicar - Rehearsal
2008 Snow White
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